Frequently Asked Questions


What are the staff qualifications?

The educational backround/qualifications of our staff range from masters, bachelors, and associate degrees in education, early childhood education, early childhood special education, early childhood education certification, and CDA.  All HKR staff are certified in First Aid, CPR, and emergency medication.  All HKR staff are also involved in continuing education each year.


What about staff turnover?

Our HKR staff is very stable. Our current staff all joined HKR between 1985 and 2022, and our most recent staff started as student teachers with us.  In fact, only HKR teachers have owned and operated the school for over 40 years! 


Are parents allowed to visit?

Absolutely! Parents may visit anytime, celebrate a birthday, or volunteer for our many parent participation days.


How do you handle discipline?

Close adult proximity, redirection, anticipation of behavior, and interception before problems occur, using words, and other problem solving techniques.


What is the child to teacher ratio?

HKR maintains a very low ratio of 4 children to 1 teacher.  Connecticut requires a maximum of 10 to 1.


What happens during inclement weather?

We keep it simple: if Stratford schools are closed, so is HKR.


Do our children play outside if it's cold or rainy?

We will be playing outside unless it is raining or there is a low wind chill so your children should be dressed appropriately.


How do I pay my child's tuition?

Several payment options are available.  These options will be discussed when you register your child.


Does tuition cover everything?

Yes.  Optional items, such as monthly book club orders, must be paid seperately.


Is HKR a "nut-free" school?

Yes.  Please pack a nutritious snack but check those labels for allergens!

Get In Touch:

Helen King Reynolds

Private School
868 East Broadway

Stratford, CT  06615






Our Schedule:

3 Year Old: 2 days/week

Tues/Thurs, AM or PM

8:45am - 11:30am



4 Year Old: 3 days/week or 5 days/week,

half-days or full schooldays

Mon/Wed/Fri AM or


8:45am - 11:30am


MWF 8:45-3:00


Lunch Bunch for 4s


11:30am - 1:00pm


Feel free to print our registration form!
Registration Form (new).docx
Microsoft Word document [1'008.5 KB]
View our brochure!
HKR Brochure1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [19.8 MB]

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